Guide to Feng Shui your bathroom

Esther Ruth
4 min readJun 1, 2021

Feng Shui is an old day Asian practise to boost the good flow of energy in your home. The bathroom in your home is one of the most important areas to pay extra attention in Feng Shui. Sometimes bathrooms are said to be a place where it earned a very bad reputation in Feng Shui. Let me tell you why: In Feng Shui, the bathroom or the toilets are inclined to wash away all the positive “Chi” energy in your home. Here are some ways to boost Feng Shui in your room :

Keeping it in order

As some of us are blessed with small space bathrooms or in general the bathrooms are the smallest room in the home. Hence, maintaining a good flow of “Chi” could be more challenging in this space. It is easy for the negative energy to get in and multiply. So it is very important to keep it clean and as fresh as possible. To make your life easier, have a low-maintenance bathroom by placing lesser items in here.

Picking the bathroom colours

Bathrooms generally have heavy water elements, so kindly refrain yourselves from placing any shades of colour that represents blue and black in the bathroom. This colour will build the water element more which will cause imbalance in this area. So no blue or black walls and no blue or black bath tubs!

Introduce some refinements

Add some refinements in your bathroom in order to complement its smell with scent diffusers, aromatherapy candles or essential oils. Just remember to keep them in a lesser quantity since less is more. “ Rose, lavender and chamomile are great choices of scent”.

Candles can be used, too.

Scented candles are able to bring in a calming energy if your bathroom is in the center of your home.

Adding in more circular shapes

The circular shapes represent good wealth and the round edges are highly loved in the Feng Shui world. So go ahead and apply them in your bathroom by getting circular wash basins and mirrors.

We want ’em closed

If you have an ensuite bathroom, please make sure the toilet bowl cannot be seen as you enter. It brings too much water which should be avoided. Do you have the habit of not closing the toilet lid after you perform your daily routine? Bear in mind, this will easily flush away the “Chi” in your house. Hence, to avoid this, the good “Chi ‘’ from flushing away, please don’t forget to close the toilet lid.

Shiny crystals

Crystals are one of the most important components in Feng Shui and mostly used to enhance the positive energy in a space. So get a crystal approximately 9 inches from the center of the ceiling to maintain the energy above and not downwards into the drain.

Earth elements

The earth controls the water and as the bathroom contains a strong water element in it, add earthly features to it with colours like yellow or beige. This can be in the form of wall paints, towels, rugs and bathroom accessories.

Have a good balance

Of course the most crucial aspect to Feng Shui is to bring out the balance to all the five elements. This can be done by hanging an image or any sort of item in the bathroom which includes the colour black, green, white, yellow and red to balance it.



Esther Ruth

Ester writes on different varieties on content in lifestyle. She focus on specifically the Chinese traditions, such as Feng Shui, Chinese traditional customs.